Saturday, October 31, 2009

Magic Mouse

Magic Mouse has come!

I have felt that the might mouse would be so legacy shape
since the new mouse has arrived...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

September 27, 2009 A tributary of Otaki river

This fishing was a final of this season.
I went to shira-kawa.

[This fish would be a genuine yamato-iwana.]

[These were my systems of this season.]

[Orange dots are a token of yamato-iwana.]

This fishing season has been finished for me.
But, rivers run on there as usual.

September 26, 2009 A tributary of Kiso river

I went to Ina-gawa. This river is also one of a deep canyon in Kiso river.
When I reached a parking at 4:30AM, which is based for a trekking,
a fishing or etc., several cars have already stayed there.

I entered this river at a diversion weir.
Finally, I could not catch a fish!! But I felt fine because a water is
clear and all atmosphere was good. I know this is sour grapes:-)

[A diversion weir which is located at here]

[This dam is located at approximately "N35 43.981 E137 45.359".]

[I finished a fishing at this point]

After I exited this river, I went to Otaki river.
Then I caught a malformed fish...

[A malformed iwana]